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Installation et Administration de Système d'Information Sanitaire (DHIS)

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Global impact


DHIS 2 is the preferred health management information system in 60 countries and 23 organizations across four continents. DHIS 2 helps governments and health organizations to manage their operations more effectively, monitor processes and improve communication.


Integrated system


DHIS 2 is typically used as national health information systems for data management and analysis purposes, for health program monitoring and evaluation, as facility registries and service availability mapping, for logistics management and for mobile tracking of pregnant mothers in rural communities.


Runs on everything

With DHIS 2 you can capture data on any type of device, including desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones and feature phones. Most solutions work-offline, enabling improved reach in locations with poor connectivity. DHIS 2 provides a wide range of solutions based on HTML5, SMS and Java.


Global community


DHIS 2 development is coordinated by the Health Information Systems Programme (HISP) and is an open and globally distributed process with developers in Vietnam, India, Tanzania, Norway, Ireland and United States. DHIS 2 is supported by NoradResearch Council of NorwayPEPFAR and The Global Fund. The community includes monitoring and evaluation specialists, medical doctors, information technology experts, software developers and many others.

Do you want to join the community? Learn how to subscribe to the mailing lists. You can request more information about the software at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Everything you need to know about the DHIS2 Academies

1.      Purpose

The DHIS2 Academies aim to build a community of DHIS2 users and experts in the different regions and facilitate sharing of experiences on DHIS2 deployments and strategies for national-scale HIS implementations.

DHIS2 experts will be available to guide you on practical work with your DHIS2 databases, whether it is in an initial or more advanced phase, e.g. help designing data sets and collection tools, or indicators and reporting outputs (charts, dashboards, maps, pivot tables etc.).

2.      Who is attending

Everyone with a strong interest in DHIS 2! Whether you are a DHIS 2 implementer with over 5 years' experience, a system administrator, part of a management team or M&E officer and aim to achieve agreed learning objectives.

Our Academies bring together representatives from Ministries of Health, Non-Governmental Organisations, International Organisations and Consultants from all countries, with the aim to build a community of DHIS2 users and experts to successfully set up, design and maintain DHIS2 systems. Please check out the prerequisites for each Academy.

Each Academy has a ceiling on the maximum number of participants to ensure good quality training. Depending on the interest, we may put in place quotas on participants per country.

3.      Language

Our Academies are conducted in English, French depending on the host country official language. The training curriculum remains the same across the regions.

Contact-us for more informations !!!

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Read 67762 times Last modified on Friday, 15 September 2017 09:43
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